
um... hey spaz twin # 2. how have you been. it' looks like you've been really good. like life is treating you with respect and honor. i dont know. is it weird to say that i miss you? i dont know. i miss you. i miss how your face resembles debbie harry's and how people would always say to me: "you mean the girl who looks like blondie?" and i'd say:" no. blondie's a band." i remember how we would have to go to english class early cause if the buss and how we'd just either sleep or just goof off and shit. we'd never have our essays done or our reading and we'd spend the whole class passing notes and just fucking being awesome. remember how our reader said brain tear, but it was suppose to say, brian tear. he hated that. he'd separate us and not allow us to sit together. i remember how you missed class after that guy committed suicide and how i'd never had heard of him and how the teacher didn't want to accept that excuse and i was like, well she's obviously hurt, stop being a bitch ms. teacher. i remember how i would say dumb things in class like "omg! i totally see kate moss in your abstract drawing!" and you'd just turn around and look at me holding in laughter. wow. i was 18. i miss how you made me feel special. i like how somehow we still are friends. i hope all is well with you like it appears and i hope you are happy.

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